Marketing Materials



Taking a good idea to the next level.

Be prepared. As you shop your project around for investors you need more than an inch of paper with a brad in the upper left corner. You need to evoke a positive reaction the moment someone glances at your presentation. We have the graphic artists, photographers, digital compositors and web designers that will provide the tools to market your project.

  • Select a movie title (working)
  • Create a title graphical treatment
  • Layout 3-5 one-sheets (working posters) 
  • Reserve a URL address “”
  • Create a web presence
  • Establish an Email address  “”

Keep your self grounded. Some people claim you don’t need a marketing package. Those people are not running a business. You only get one chance to make a first impression. A blank cover with an inch of script in 12 point Courier font may not evoke the most powerful reaction. Our team of professionals will get you polished and ready to do business within the industry. 

Make a lasting first impression by Contacting Us.